Dear speakers! Mr. Prime Minister! Members of the government. Members of parliament! Dear friends!
Read here World War III has already started in different aspects, – former ambassador to the USA
Canada has always been, is and, I am sure, will be a reliable partner in Ukraine. Partner of our land, our people of Ukraine, each of our families.
You came to our aid as soon as we asked for it. You are giving us the weapons and other support we so desperately need now. You have imposed sanctions against Russia - truly moral. Really substantial. However, we see that the war, unfortunately, continues. That Russian troops are not leaving our territory. You see that our cities: Kharkiv, Mariupol are not as protected as your Edmonton and Vancouver. That Kyiv is under missile strikes. Like Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk and dozens, dozens of our Ukrainian cities that yesterday were peaceful and quiet.
That means more needs to be done. Much more! For peace. We all have to do more to stop Russia. To protect Ukraine and protect Europe from this total evil that is destroying everything: memorials, churches, schools, hospitals, neighborhoods and all our businesses.
They have already killed 97 Ukrainian children!
We do not ask for much. We ask for justice. We ask for real support that will help us endure and defend our life. Life of the whole world.
Canada is already showing the necessary leadership! It is already the first to do what other countries come to later. But we need more leadership, and we ask for more participation from you.
Justin! All friends of our country Ukraine! All friends of the truth!
You understand how important it is for us to protect our skies from Russian missiles and planes. You can influence this. It seems so to me.
You can force even more companies to leave the Russian market. So that there is not a single dollar for the war. If they stay in Russia and sponsor the war, they are not allowed to work in Canada. Let it be so - and it will give us peace.
You know, perhaps better than many in the world, that this attack by Russia is an attempt to destroy us, to destroy the Ukrainian people. Nothing else. This is their main goal.
This is a war against the people. Against our people. This is a war to destroy everything that makes Ukrainians Ukrainians. Against our future. Against our character. Against our will. Everything that you, Canadians, know very well, feel very well.
So I ask you: do not stop. Do not stop helping Ukraine. Do not stop in leadership and in efforts to bring peace back to our peaceful land.
I believe, I know you can handle it. I know that with Canada, our anti-war coalition, which we are reinforcing, will definitely yield the result.
I want to address our Ukrainian diaspora, all Ukrainians in Canada.
It is at this historic moment that we need your effective help. And you must prove with your steps that you are a part of the history of Ukraine, the living history of Ukraine.
Remember this - living. Because we want to live. And we strive for peace.
I thank you for your support. I am thankful to everyone present in this hall of parliament. To every citizen of Canada. I'm grateful to you, Justin. Grateful on behalf of the entire Ukrainian nation.
I am sure that together - and only together - we will defeat all enemies.
Glory to Ukraine!
Thank you Canada!