The lesion can occur both as a result of direct contact with human skin, and by inhalation of vapors.

Read more: The invaders shot dead seven people in Kherson region and blew up a house with the dead

Just 1 to 10 milliliters of sarin on the skin can be a lethal dose.

Sarin can remain up to 5 days on various subjects and up to 24 hours in the air under favorable conditions.

What does a person experiences in case of sarin poisoning

  • nasal congestion

  • tearing

  • eye pain, visual disturbances

  • increased salivation and sweating

  • cough, shortness of breath, which may accelerate

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain

  • headache and weakness

  • change in heart rate: acceleration or deceleration

  • low or high blood pressure

The injured person’s condition may worsen and be accompanied by confusion of consciousness, ending in convulsions, convulsions, respiratory arrest, paralysis and death.

The number of casualties depends on the form of the substance.

  • Liquid sarin can be washed off quickly - you need to take off your clothes and thoroughly and for a long time to wash the substance from the places of contact with the substance.

  • It is more difficult with a gaseous form, because it settles in low areas near the ground. All because sarin is heavier than air, so the risk of poisoning is higher in the lowlands, even higher - in the basement.

Symptoms may appear a few seconds after exposure to sarin vapors and from a few minutes to an hour after exposure to the liquid form

How do you find out about a sarin attack

The signal of a chemical attack - one short beep and the second long one.

But it will be signaled when it is confirmed. That is, State Emergency Service units or the military will detect this threat with the help of gas chemical indexers.

  • Do not procrastinate if you have any suspicions: do not sniff, do not stare. Remember that the symptoms and severity of poisoning depend on the length of time the person has been in contact with sarin.

  • Chemical weapons is delivered with missiles, artillery shells. But they are different from the usual. Ordinary shells explode heavily, destroying a building and killing people as a result of the explosion. Chemical missiles explode weaker.

  • The sound of the explosion is weak because they are not designed to destroy, but to spread sarin in the form of an aerosol. Therefore, the nature of the explosions may also indicate that something is wrong here.

How to act during a sarin attack

  • Ideally, you should use special protective suits and a gas mask, a respirator at the very least.

  • If sarin explosion occurs near the house, immediately close windows, doors, close all vents. Do not go outside, the duration of most toxic substances is up to an hour. Wait for the notification that the chemical threat has passed and instructions for action, evacuation is not excluded.

  • If the explosion took place in the street, leave the place immediately, move against the wind. You can hide in the nearest room, or at least in a car with tightly closed windows.

  • If sarin gets on clothes, get rid of it as soon as possible - it is better to cut it so as not to throw it over your head. Then thoroughly wash all areas of skin that have been in contact with the substance, preferably with soap. It takes a long time to wash. In particular, rinse your eyes with water for at least 10 minutes.

  • Artificial lung ventilation, as well as artificial respiration, is unacceptable in this situation. If possible, contact the military or State Emergency Service officers who have special protocols for such cases.

Antidotes for sarin

Treatment involves removing sarin from the body as soon as possible and providing supportive medical care in a hospital.

  • Antidotes, atropine in particular, are available for sarin. They are most effective if you get them as soon as possible after the attack.

  • However, prophylactic atropine should not be used. Improper use can be fatal. In addition, this drug is sold only by prescription